You might think it’s weird that I’ve never had a lot of love for ice cream. It might be because I grew up within walking distance of a Dairy Queen, and a lot of my money went to that place as a kid, but I like to think it’s because I don’t like to be cold. And then of course there are the stabbing pains of death that happen only when I consume a very specific combination of dairy and sugar. I can eat dairy occasionally with no problems, if sugar isn’t an accompaniment. The “occasionally” part of that sentence is what keeps it out of my kitchen.

You might think it’s weird that I’ve never had a lot of love for ice cream. It might be because I grew up within walking distance of a Dairy Queen, and a lot of my money went to that place as a kid, but I like to think it’s because I don’t like to be cold. And then of course there are the stabbing pains of death that happen only when I consume a very specific combination of dairy and sugar. I can eat dairy occasionally with no problems, if sugar isn’t an accompaniment. The “occasionally” part of that sentence is what keeps it out of my kitchen.

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